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Landed Successfully!

So the practical is over today (thankfully) and i am back home (safely)

It was a mediocre day, nothing so hard was asked, just the regular one! The most tough part, the Viva...(heeee)

Below is how it went...

Xaminer(X)::So what have you prepared for the viva?

REY(R)::Erm... ahem, well, nothing much, you know my leg have been broken, i cant study...

X::Thats so dumb excuse, u can study lying on the bed...


X::Anyway, we'll begin. So what type of language is C?

R::C is a programming language...

X::Programming is fine, but under which category does it come?


X::Pah, what do you understand by main()?

R::main() is the main function which is called in the program at the time of running.

X::hmm... what are printf() and scanf()?

R::Printf() is used to show an output to the user and scanf() is used to get the input from the user.

X::Good. One last question, what do you understand by clrscr()?

R::clrscr() function is used to clear the screen, every time main() function is called...

X::Ok, thats it, you can run away now!!

So thats how it went... That was short, but intense as fuck.

A Man Reaches Heaven


Random Rantings!

I have talked about this before but cant help talking about it again!

Its been a real long and boring day, with nothing much to do, except playing iForest, and watching TV (when there is no power failure!)

Got the terrible news of Varanasi Blasts , those dickheads cant do anything except causing unstability in the country(i am not going into depth because i can not write like a professional). Read G's Writings

Now what else can you do lying on a bed with a crushed leg! Bad thoughts come in your mind (that practical thingy haunts me) and i think how would i be able to walk again, after such a long time!!??

I remember those good old days when i was in school, we used to have a lot of fun, especially after class IX, but those days wont be back again!

My grandmother and grandfather both passed away within 10 months, it happened after 1 month of me passing class XII. And i have just started going to college when the accident happened...!!

You cant imagine whats about to happen with you next!

Its official now...

So the date has been announced for the practicals! They are on the 10th of March 😟

Well, I have slightly prepared myself for them, i have to give those damn practicals, it doesnt matter if a leg is broken, i cant stand, or cant even move it, I have to appear!

Nervous Attack!

Just returned after seeing the doctor! Got a terrible news, A Nerve is been found damaged in the outer part of leg!

They say it may be healed by the time, but i wont be able to stand till that time! Damn, when i started to think that its getting better it got even worse!!

I know it will be ok some day, but one thing is sure that damn day aint gonna come soon!!