Landed Successfully!
So the practical is over today (thankfully) and i am back home (safely)
It was a mediocre day, nothing so hard was asked, just the regular one! The most tough part, the Viva...(heeee)
Below is how it went...
Xaminer(X)::So what have you prepared for the viva?
REY(R)::Erm... ahem, well, nothing much, you know my leg have been broken, i cant study...
X::Thats so dumb excuse, u can study lying on the bed...
X::Anyway, we'll begin. So what type of language is C?
R::C is a programming language...
X::Programming is fine, but under which category does it come?
X::Pah, what do you understand by main()?
R::main() is the main function which is called in the program at the time of running.
X::hmm... what are printf() and scanf()?
R::Printf() is used to show an output to the user and scanf() is used to get the input from the user.
X::Good. One last question, what do you understand by clrscr()?
R::clrscr() function is used to clear the screen, every time main() function is called...
X::Ok, thats it, you can run away now!!
So thats how it went... That was short, but intense as fuck.